Admission Lady Health Visitors Course Jobs 2023 Punjab
Applications are required from female residents of Punjab for two year Lady Health Workers Course in 10 Public Health Nursing Schools of Punjab Admission Form Obtain from concerned school Photostat of admission form or any other sufficient will not be acceptable
Education Qualification FSC Pre Minimum 45% marks in medical is required Mir education qualification The marks obtained by you will be calculated by counting five marks of Hafiz Quran
- Age limit Maximum up to 35 years Note to the candidates any further relaxation in the age limit
- of No stipend will be given which will be given smooth stipend according to comfort and sleep Last date of receipt of application in the concerned institution is 25th March 2023 during office hours
so attach the photocopy of the following document along with it Educational qualification certificate F.S. C Pre-Medical Educational Qualification Certificate Form of Matric Science Card Form of Domicile Certificate Hafiz Qur'an In case the certificate of the institution from which the application is submitted in the office of the institution during office hours
- applications received after movement will not be emphasized For more details The Principal of the school concerned Stop it